A chilling incident unfolded in Antwiriifo, a town near Dormaa-Ahenkro in the Bono Region, where a 35-year-old man violently attacked and killed his six-year-old son with a cutlass.
The suspect was later fatally shot by a Customs officer while attempting to escape.
Details of the Tragedy
Police reports revealed that the man inflicted multiple fatal wounds on his son.
The motive behind this heinous act remains unknown.
The Dormaa District Police Command was alerted to the incident last Wednesday, prompting officers to respond swiftly.
On arrival at the scene, police discovered the lifeless body of the child and the suspect, marking the tragic conclusion of the event.
Confrontation with Law Enforcement
Following the attack, the man attempted to flee but was intercepted by a Customs officer.
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During the encounter, the suspect was shot and killed while trying to resist apprehension.
Ongoing Investigations
Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident to uncover the circumstances leading to the tragedy.
A police statement confirmed that investigators would visit the scene to gather evidence and piece together the sequence of events.
Community in Shock
The gruesome nature of the incident has left residents of Antwiriifo in a state of grief and disbelief.
Community leaders and law enforcement officials have called for calm as investigations continue.
Updates on the case will be shared as more information becomes available.