Actor Kwaku Manu has voiced his displeasure with Vice President Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia’s pledge during the campaign to introduce a credit score system in the event that he wins the presidency in the upcoming elections on December 7.
In a recent interview, Kwaku Manu said that since most young people do not have access to work possibilities that would allow them to pay back their loans, Ghana does not now require a credit score system.
“If you become the breadwinner, you cannot enjoy, even though God has blessed you. Mothers and cousins, among others, will be calling you. You cannot even go on holidays unlike whites who have their parents working hence they can go on trips.
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“Ghanaians abroad cannot even travel to enjoy… they have many bills to cover… I get sad when I think about these things,” the actor said on UTV.
He stressed that rather than implementing a system that would cause many people to accrue additional debt, it is necessary to establish jobs with competitive incomes.
“Elsewhere in the USA, there are jobs… if you don’t work, you cannot get a credit card abroad. Banks even look at that before they give loans. You will be given the card according to your financial status. How many people earn ¢1,500 in Ghana? How cheap are clothes nowadays? How does one survive on 1,500 Cedis with two kids? Now almost everyone is owing? Some countries pay the bills of some mothers, so what is going on with us?” Kwaku Manu questioned.