Contemporary Highlife legend Kaakyire Kwame Fosu, better known as KK Fosu, has affirmed his support for Nana Kwame Bediako, also known as Cheddar, and his ‘The New Force’ movement.
“I am a New Force Movement member. I want my face to show while saying this clearly”, KK Fosu declared
Related story:KK Fosu breaks silence with ‘Back 2 Sender’ single
This declaration comes in the wake of KK Fosu’s release of a new song titled ‘Back to Sender’, which criticizes detractors of Cheddar following a confrontation with the government over the cancellation of his rally at the Black Stars Square.
Explaining the difference between the New Force Movement and the two major political parties, the NPP and NDC, the ‘Sudwe” crooner said,” Members of the New Force Movement are freedom fighters whereas those in the traditional political parties are driven by personal interests rather than the welfare of the nation”.
Addressing the inspiration behind his song, KK Fosu explained, “I am sending fire to any negativity against him, us, or anybody who is our enemy.”