Overview of Campus Broadcasting Services Centre.
The Campus Broadcasting Services (CBS) Centre, a media outlet of the University of Cape Coast operates ATL FM (radio station), ATLFMNEWS (News Portal) and yet to be actualized TVUCC (TV Station), serves the Central Region through its well detailed educative, informative and entertaining programmes.
CBS, a section under the Directorate of Public Affairs of the University, is owned and operated by the University and managed by an eleven-member Management Board constituted by the Vice-Chancellor. The Board is responsible for policy formulation, general operations and supervision of the Centre.
The Board oversees the operations on behalf of the University through the Directorate of Public Affairs so as to ensure compliance with National Communications Authority (NCA) requirements. The Centre is run by professionals in the radio industry employed by the University. The Centre has over the past years been strategically used as a tool for communication by the University to its publics.

The Manager and all permanent staff of the station are hired and paid by University of Cape Coast. The Manager is a member of the Management Board and also responsible for the day-to-day operations of the station. The station is funded by Government of Ghana (GOG) and from Internally General Funds (IGF), Donations and Sponsorships.
Our Mandate
Specifically, as a Section under the Division of Public Affairs, the Station is mandated to perform/play the following sensitive academic and non-academic/corporate roles:
- Serve as a channel/medium for the University’s Strategic Communication;
- Broadcast programmes of the University including the live transmission of Public Lectures, University functions, and Radio Lectures for large classes;
- Foster effective collaboration, syndication, and affiliation with local and international media partners;
- Assist the University to establish and operate satellite radio centres for distance learning activities; and
- Operate radio, TV, and Internet Broadcasting and use the Station as a laboratory for training students, especially students of the Department of Communication Studies and Theatre and Film Studies.
Our Core Values are:
- trustworthiness
- fairness
- unity
Our Vision is to:
“Become a leading global media centre of excellence”
Our Mission statement is:
“To serve as a professional platform to the University and its audience through provision of responsible and scholarly broadcasting services with integrity by employing modern technology’’
Our Broad Objectives
To accomplish its mission, the station has outlined the following broad objectives:
- To provide training for staff and students
- To provide community-based development programming
- To provide a platform for corporate communication and publicity of University Community events, programmes, etc.
- Dissemination of research findings, public lectures, and radio lectures.
- To employ the use of modern technology at work.
- To create an avenue for the funding of the station.
Programming Philosophy and Format
ATL FM is a campus-based non-commercial radio station established to perform the roles of a traditional radio station. However, its programmes are skewed towards teaching and learning, research dissemination, developmentally oriented issues and outreach activities. These are aimed at enhancing the visions, missions, and mandates of both the University of Cape Coast and ATL FM station in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the media industry.
The station operates throughout the day (24hrs) every day of the week in a mixed programmes format (news | talk | music). The distribution is News 25%; Talk 35%, and Music 40%.
- NEWS: ATL FM provides global, national and local news around the clock. This is done through syndications from the station’s partners: Voice of America (VOA), British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Joy FM, RFI and also from the station’s own news bulletins.
- TALK: Talk/Discussion/Documentaries/Drama, etc Magazine programmes are aired regularly according to schedules. These programmes are educative and informative and also very relevant to the target groups as well as the general public. Examples are health, tourism, good governance, economy, education and topical global issues.
MUSIC: ATL FM plays music from all over the world on designated programmmes as well as making music part of programmes.
Brief History of Atlantic (ATL) FM, 100.5 MHZ
“Atlantic (ATL) FM station transmitting on 100.5MHZ which is now touted as one of the best radio stations in Central Region and even Ghana traces its roots from very humble beginnings. In 1989, Mr. Kojo Ofori-Safo (Splash – 1989/1990 ATL Entertainment Chairperson) with expert expertise of Mr. Armah Quao, the son of Mr. Quao of UCC Transport Section, with the assistance of the colleague students in Atlantic Hall notably, Frank Osei Wusu (Zorzor); Martin Amparbeng (Angola) Kweku Gyebi Donkor (Bullock) Philip Nortey (Cardinal Pee) and others selflessly and out of their own initiative and resources established the first FM transmitter in Room 609 in Atlantic Hall. The station served the University Campus only to educate and entertain colleague students and hardworking lecturers and staff. In no time, the station caught the attention of the then Hall Executive (headed by the President, Daniel Ampomah (Shatoo), who invested additional funds from the hall’s coffers to upgrade the transmitter. Then came Mr. Jonathan Dartey Gavi (Marcus – 1990/1991 Entertainment Chairperson) and his team, followed by Mr. Ben Armstrong (BB – 1991/1992 Entertainment Chairperson) and his team; then Isaac Quarcoo (Zikay 1992/1993 Entertainment Chairperson) and colleagues who also showed great interest and thus contributed to the upgrading and growth of ATL FM”. (Source: Live Radio Interview with ‘Splash’, ‘BB’, ‘Marcus’, ‘Jeff’ and ‘Asonaba’ On 13th April 2013)”.
Subsequently, under the leadership of Asonaba Kofi Addison (1992/1993 Hall President) the students in the Hall were assisted by the then Hall Master (Prof. Kwadwo Opoku – Agyemang) made a request to (Hon. Totobi Kwakye the then Secretary/Minister of Information and an alumnus of ATL Hall) for help. As a result of the appeal, Hon. Totobi Kwakye donated a 15watts/channels – FM Radio transmitter and its equipments to the station which had an estimated coverage of 20 miles (32 kilometers). He also assisted the Station in acquiring a license. (Report of Committee of Enquiry into Atlantic Hall FM Radio Station Operations, July 1995). The station was officially inaugurated by Hon. Totobi Kwakye on the 10th July 1993 and authorized to operate till it was granted full permission and authorization in 1997 by the National Communications Authority. Since its establishment, the Station has enjoyed the support of individuals and organizations in and outside the university community. One notable organization is the Voice of America (VOA) which provided a transmitter in 2002.
The University took over the management and operations of the station from Atlantic Hall Management on May 1, 2008 as a result of a directive from the National Communications Authority. The authority of the station is University of Cape Coast and managed by an eleven- member Management Board appointed by the Vice Chancellor of the University. The Board is responsible for policy formulation, general operations and supervision of the station.